Thursday 19 March 2009

A note of clarification

The author of this blog does not work for any political party, does not belong to any political party and does not work in the Assembly.

Any speculation as to the ownership of the Welsh Blog Watch and Welsh Post Box are the views of the individuals posting their opinions.

Comments are unmoderated.

If anyone wants to plead the case of a comment being removed I can be contacted via my email on the side panel. Only comments that are breaking the law will be removed.

This blog doesn't care who the owners of those blogs are, it does not seek to 'out' them or restrict their freedom of expression.


  1. I wonder if the authors of those other blogs will be willing to make the same commitment!

  2. Why cant we all make a committment to identifying ourselves?

    It really isnt that big a deal, and i feel will lead to the end of all this horrible nasty smearing of people.

  3. To be fair S&TH that's not going to happen. The people running the kind of site that suggests a Labour Cllr. should be crucified for expressing an opinion aren't likely why should the people who are exposing the filth do the same.

  4. in fairness S&TH i think blogging anonymously is right for some people. Job commitments may not allow them to be political working for a political party, public body, police etc. I think the comitment bloggers should make is more to be civil and report facts and opinions not smears

  5. Anon,

    Oh certainly - but we are having people call for a sacking of someone without putting a name to it. These are people's careers they are playing with.

  6. "Why cant we all make a committment to identifying ourselves?"

    You definitely wrote the word 'all', so what about bloggers who aren't calling for people to lose their jobs, can they keep their identities under wraps?
